Making systems
Volume 5: Management
Richard Golding
Copyright ©2025 by Richard Golding
Release: 0.4-review
Table of contents
Part XIII: Project plan
- uncertainty
- multi horizon planning
- resource constrained project
- uncertainty
- definition
- uncertainty-prioritized planning
- relative role of integration and large structure
- relative role of unknown technology
- risk
- definition of risk as opposed to uncertainty
- risk register
- risk mitigation and tracking
- hybrid agile-spiral with per-component status
- risks and benefits of prototyping
- risks and benefits of minimum viable product
Chapter 61: Plan introduction
30 August 2024
Plans are a record of
- What tasks are expected to be done
- When
- By whom
- With what outcome
Used by
- Managers to track how a project is progressing
- Staff to understand what to do, and how tasks are related to each other
Help the project move toward a goal
- Helps people make decisions that move the project in the direction it needs to go
- Helps people do work efficiently by avoiding stalls, unneeded work
- Avoids a project becoming a random walk, changing direction constantly and not making progress
Lets staff know what to work on
- What working on today or this week
- What the future will hold for them
Helps managers manage the project
- Analyze what may happen, what resources or time needed
- Plan for coordinated tasks
Maintain flexibility
- As needs change, situation changes
& Respect the cone of uncertainty:
- Things farther in the future are less certain
- As a project moves forward, tasks and design are worked out and things become more certain
- Always: this week’s tasks are more certain than the ones a year or two out
- Plan needs regular re-evaluation to adjust
- Planning in too much detail too far out is a waste and gives a false sense of security
Chapter 62: Uncertainty
18 October 2024
- what uncertainty is
- how uncertainty is different from risk
- how to detect uncertainty
- how to measure uncertainty
- using uncertainty (and risk) to organize development plan steps
- integration-first development as a technique
Chapter 63: Risk
27 October 2024
- what risk is
- definition
- when something is risk, not uncertainty
- measurement: likelihood x severity
- using risk to organize development plan steps
Chapter 64: Multihorizon planning
30 August 2024
Related ideas
- Agile and spiral development methodologies
- Both advocate working in increments, with defined goals for increments and re-planning before starting the next increment
- Agile can lead to a random walk if not guided
- Spiral can lead to a falsely detailed long-term plan
- OKRs
- Provide longer-term aspirational goals as well as concrete results that should lead to those goals
- Can provide guidance in developing a plan
- Often lead to out-of-date objectives and results that people stop taking seriously
Key ideas:
- Create a plan that has multiple horizons
- Iteration/sprint/week
- Quarter
- Year
- Long-term
- Plan current iteration/quarter/year plus drafts of the next one to three periods
- Current iteration is a solid commitment
- Drafts of upcoming periods are less certain
- Define objectives (and possibly key results) at each horizon
- Re-evaluate the plan each time one gets to a particular horizon

- Details for each iteration or sprint; more general for longer horizons
- Commit to the current iteration/quarter/year, draft plans out beyond
- Long term provides the general direction
64.1 Updating the plan
At the end of each iteration/sprint:
- Review how the iteration went
- Update the draft for the next iteration
- Add one more draft iteration
- Commit to the next iteration
At the end of a quarter or year:
- Similar process; maintain 1-3 draft periods
64.2 As the long term changes
When the long term goal changes, or when the plan needs to be rearranged:
- Change the longest term affected
- Work backward to see how to achieve that
- Change the quarterly drafts or current quarter
- Change the iteration drafts or current iteration
There’s no magic in this… just adjust the plan
64.3 Meeting the objectives
Keep moving toward a goal:
- There are long- and shorter-term goals to help make good choices about the plan for each iteration/sprint
- Having draft iterations and quarters promotes longer-term decisions, not just short-term reactivity
- The drafts are still just drafts and can be changed as needed
- Draft iterations and quarters reflect uncertainty that changes over time
The plan is still a plan
- It expresses schedule and tasking information just as any other kind of plan
- Supports normal schedule analyses (e.g. critical paths, resource loading)
- It expresses task assignments for people
- Staff have a longer-term view than with pure agile, but a more realistic understanding of uncertainty than a detailed long-term schedule
Chapter 65: Using a plan
21 October 2024
- Building a plan initially
- Incremental building
- Multihorizon planning assumed
- Use of uncertainty and risk
- Updating a plan day to day
- Assigning work
- Work status updates
- Updating a plan periodically
- Regular reviews
- Effects of change requests
- Maintaining estimates as plan changes
XXX cover “techniques that keep a project moving quickly, such as
assigning work to the person best able to do it”